

The 4oD brief was essentially a re-brand, with focus on the fact that 4oD can now be viewed on a number of devices.

What they wanted was a mechanic that could be used over the course of the next 12 months of advertising and beyond, and the answer to the two briefs that would be the focus for the next 9 months (below)

Product: 4oD (Channel 4 on demand)

Brief 1: 4oD is now available on xbox, ps3, computer, smart TV, apple devices, and android devices

Solution: Use all the devices to show found footage reacting to a real life situation.

They say never work with children or animals, so we went for both in one day


Brief 2: A new app service allows you to download shows while you’re online, and watch them when you have no connection

Solution: Show Channel 4 content intruding on real world situations to make something boring a little bit better

It took about 30 attempts to get the teabag in the bum shot right. What a day.


The teabag even bagged us our first award (Pun intended)



All ATL Social Digital Experiential Concept

National Highways

Premier League 30th

We Are Undefeatable

Arts Emergency

No Room for Racism

EU Exit


24HR Test Drive

Easter Eggs Live

BMW – X1


Xbox One

Scamp School

Like a nice suit, this website is bespoke. The proud tailors being Jann and Sean.